Like a Champion by Vincent Chu | A Book A Week

Like a Champion by Vincent Chu

Let's take a moment to talk about reading slumps. Whether you read a book every once in a while for pleasure or rely on a strict schedule to maintain your reading goals or posts, everyone finds themselves in a reading slump. There are days when even my favorite genre or author can't inspire me to pick up a book. As a blogger who maintains a precise reading schedule, I've developed many tactics to pull myself out of the dreaded reading slump. For years now, one of my go to strategies has been to read short stories. The short nature of these works naturally lends themselves to being read in quick bursts. I love that I can sit down for a few minutes and blow through a story. Soon, I'll find myself back in the swing things. Even better, finishing short stories gives me the feeling of accomplishment that I need to persuade myself to venture back into larger books.

In his debut collection of stories Like a Champion, author Vincent Chu celebrates the victories of everyday life. No matter how large or small, we face a variety of challenges as we go through life. In his collection, Chu presents a multitude of stories that feature characters becoming champions of their own situations. One story in particular captured my imagination in both the innovative way in which it is presented and the universal charm of the characters. Through a series of instant messages, Chu tells the story of a couple interacting on an online dating site. The pair instantly hits it off, but is hesitant to meet in person. Chu deftly captures the reality and uncertainty of dating in the modern age within a minimal narrative structure. The simple story ended up being one of the most emotionally resonant and creative in the entire collection.

Another tells the story of a man taking a cruise. He is unenthusiastic about the forced relaxation and questionable quality of the ship. He can think of much better ways to be spending his time. Through dated diary entires, he complains about the amenities that other guest seem to be throughly enjoying. Slowly, he begins to relax and appreciate the time he is spending on the ship. Chu hints at deeper emotional turmoil that gives the charter a depth that is ever present despite the simple presentation of the story. In the end, the man faces victory in learning to appreciate the down time he has in life. At the same time, the story provides a larger lesson in appreciating what you have while you have it. After all, nothing lasts forever.

Other entries in the collection are more traditional in their presentation, but equally engaging and moving. Chu effortlessly writes stories that give readers insight into the "slice of life" moments of challenge and triumph. I found myself flying through the pages and wishing for more time with each of the characters I encountered. The stories in Like a Champion satisfied my craving for easily digestible fiction and left me yearning for more. Even better, the quick pace of each story was the perfect remedy for the pesky reading slump I was in. Chu is a natural storyteller whose penchant for relatable characters and inventive presentation will satisfy everyone who reads his stories.

For more information, visit the author's website, Amazon, and Goodreads.

(2018, 9)

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12 Responses to “Like a Champion by Vincent Chu”

  1. Yay for beating the reading slump. This sounds perfect to keep by my bedside for those nights where I finish a book, but still want to read a little more.

    1. The stories are all pretty short, so this would be perfect for that!

  2. I am not a huge fan of short stories (or novellas for that matter), because they always tend to leave me wanting more, but I loved hearing why you enjoy them. It's awesome that you know how to get out of your slump.

    1. They are the perfect little bursts of reading to help me move along!

  3. This is a great idea to get out of a reading slump. I have a reading schedule I try to adhere to which usually only gets rumpled if the book I'm reading is huge. But last year, I hit a big reading slump. Two months solid. Don't know what happened. Great review!
    Rebecca @ The Portsmouth Review

    1. It was actually a multi-month reading slump that inspired me to set my book a week goal and start the blog!

  4. Oh I love the idea of celebrating everyday victories, even the small ones! Glad to hear you enjoyed this. And that's an interesting idea for getting out of reading slumps, maybe I'll have to try that!

    1. It always works for me, especially when they are great stories!

  5. Oh I know! I know! I’m the queen of reading slumps! short stories is a great tactic! For is paranormal romance! Don’t know why but it works EVERY time! Lol glad to see u enjoy this one!

    1. I never thought of a particular genre to get me out of a slump. There are definitely some authors who I can usually rely on though!

  6. You're right, everyone falls into a reading slump from time to time, but it sounds like you have mastered the art of escaping them! I actually used to really dislike short story collections but I recently was able to read one I really loved!! I've been on the lookout for more to try, and this one sounds so good.


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